Bella Ramsey - Ellie, The Last Of Us
The Last of Us is an American post-apocalyptic television series created by Neil Druckmann and Craig Mazin, adapted from the 2013 video game of the same name developed by Naughty Dog. The story follows Joel and Ellie who, bound by the harshness of the world they live in, attempt to survive together following the decimation of humanity, twenty years prior, due to the mutation of a parasitic fungus, the Cordyceps. They then embark on a journey through what remains of the United States but, throughout this journey, will face many lurking dangers.
Ellie is a 14 year old teenager, very mature for her age. Born in the years 2018-2019, she never knew the world before the infection. She is a survivor, described as strong, witty and raw. Emotionally traumatized, and having lost many people in her life, she suffers from autophobia and the survivor syndrome, making her a very hardened person, who uses violence without hesitation and frequently uses profane language. Feeling useless and believing her life to be a burden, she is impulsive, but still knows how to show initiative, as well as great physical resistance, emotional strength and a total lack of fear. She constantly perseveres, even in difficult situations.
Bella Ramsey is a British actress. She made her television acting debut with a masterful performance as Lyanna Mormont, a young, badass and anti-conventional ruler, in the phenomenon series "Game of Thrones" (2016-2019). The role earned her a Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series, as well as a Merit - Honorary Award, shared with the rest of the cast, at the CinEuphoria Awards.
She later got the lead role of Amandine in the fantasy series "The Worst Witch" (2017-2020), and then Hilda in the eponymous animated series (2018). She continued her career with the role of Angelica in "His Dark Materials" in 2020, Evelyn in the lesbian horror short film "Requiem" in 2021, and Lady Jeanne Grey in the series "Becoming Elizabeth" in 2022. That same year, she landed the title role in the medieval comedy "Catherine Called Birdy". The following year, she got one of the main roles, Ellie, in the post-apocalyptic series "The Last of Us", alongside Pedro Pascal. This performance earned her a nomination for Best Performance and the award for Best Duo, shared with Pascal, at the MTV Movie & TV Awards.
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